Suncoast Goldens

Litter Reservations

A non-refundable holding fee of $500.00 is required to be added to our Master Litter Reservation List. The remaining balance is due at the time the Buyer picks up the puppy. Order of pick will be determined by the date the holding fee is received. For any future litters, you may submit your $500.00 non-refundable holding fee at any time. Your non-refundable holding fee is transferable between litters should your choice of a puppy not be available or for any other reason.

Any names on the Master Reservation List after 24 months of receipt of the non-refundable holding fee will be contacted to see if they are still interested and want a puppy from the next upcoming litter, or they will forfeit their nonrefundable holding fee. Guided puppy picks are based on the order, and non-refundable holding fees are received.

Pregnancy Notification

If you are on the Master Litter Reservation List, you will be contacted when your pregnancy has been confirmed.

Birth Notification

When contacted by us to alert you of a litter’s birth and how many of each gender there are, you have 24 hours to decide if you would still like a puppy from this litter or remain on the Master Litter Reservation List for a future litter.

Should you not make a decision or respond to us within 24 hours, your name will remain on the Master Reservation List, and we will then contact the next family on our list. All attempts will be made on our part to contact you, as we know it is an exciting event for everyone.

Once you are on the Litter Reservation List, if you decide not to pick a puppy from that litter, your non-refundable holding fee will remain, and we will inform you of your place in line for the next litter. If you have placed a non-refundable holding fee for a specific litter and there are no puppies of that gender available, then your non-refundable holding fee can be transferred to another litter.

Suncoast Goldens
Suncoast Goldens


Suncoast Goldens

Heath guarantee

Suncoast Goldens

Limited registration with the AKC- Registration papers will be given at the time of pickup. (*Full registration for those who qualify)

Suncoast Goldens


Suncoast Goldens


Suncoast Goldens


Suncoast Goldens

Certified veterinary health check

Suncoast Goldens

30 days free pet insurance

Suncoast Goldens

Puppy Take-Home Pack

Blanket with Mom's scent

Snuggle Puppy with littermate's scent


Reserve a Puppy

After filling out the questionnaire, it will be reviewed, and within 48 hours, you will receive a notification that you will be placed on the waiting list, should it seem like a good match. You will also be notified within 48 hours if I am unable to accommodate the request, based on the answers provided.

Holding Fee

A non-refundable $500.00 holding fee is required to hold your place in line for the litter picking order (current or future litters). Without the holding fee, your place in line will not be guaranteed. If you have not made a holding fee payment but are still interested in getting a puppy, when the pregnancy is confirmed, you will be notified and must receive the $500 Non-refundable holding fee at that time to hold your puppy. A non-refundable holding fee receipt will be sent to you once the payment is received.

If you have placed a holding fee on a litter and there are no puppies of that gender available, then your holding fee can be transferred to another litter.

Suncoast Goldens